Robinson Family Pictures 2010

Miles and mommy are buddies during the day, building train tracks, reading
books, watching movies, grocery shopping, cleaning house, or playing with Boyzee (our lab.)
But as soon as Katie gets home from preschool, mommy is out of the picture.
Katie is his life; good and bad. If Katie is in a sweet mood, Miles is sweet as pie. If Katie is
in a bad mood, she has Miles do her bidding. She instructs Miles to do little naughty things
and Miles is very obedient. He adores her and has learned to be the amazing little talker
he is from all of her coaching. We die at the stuff he says.

Katie is so much fun. She has oodles of girl in her but just a perfect dose of tough in her . I.e. one minute she can be bedecked in her Cinderella dress with layers of jewelery on and layers of shiny lip gloss, coloring contentedly at the table in her princess coloring book, and the very next minute she's ready for a football game with Isaac and his friends. She really only cries too when she really gets tackled hard. She is no baby. I promise, cause I watch out the window. Sometimes I went to deck Isaac's friends for tackling her so hard or throwing snowballs at her. But that is Katie, she loves the action. Katie's in preschool and dance. She LOVES dance.

Isaac is a really cool kid. I'm kind of amazed by him. He has this humility about him where he
is so teachable. I appreciate how much he soaks in and applies. Like when I am having a hard
moment and being grumpy and he'll come in a few minutes later and say, "mom, do feel any different because I prayed for you that you wouldn't be tricked by Satan, so you will be nice."
He's fun. He's in first grade and reading well and loving math. He's playing Jr. Jazz right now.
He loves to play with friends and play the wii.