with you. I felt like such a kid again chasing
after you and then slamming into you. It
felt so good to laugh that hard. Those bumber
cars really got me going. Oh, to be a kid again.

Such a good big brother Isaac is to help
little Miles feel so safe. It was fun.

Isaac and Katie were very cute shooting on this ride.
Katie, you had such a sweet little smile on your face
the whole time it went around and around. Isaac on
the other hand looked like he was in a war zone fighting
the bad guys. Gotta love little boys.

Can I even tell you how much fun it is now that the kids
are getting a little older. It was so fun to watch them
enjoy the things that we enjoyed when we were kids. By the way, I thought
it would be a great idea to put them in bright colors like orange and yellow
so I could keep better track of them. I think just about every kid at Lagoon
yesterday was in oragne and yellow. Funny stuff.
are getting a little older. It was so fun to watch them
enjoy the things that we enjoyed when we were kids. By the way, I thought
it would be a great idea to put them in bright colors like orange and yellow
so I could keep better track of them. I think just about every kid at Lagoon
yesterday was in oragne and yellow. Funny stuff.

The kitty Tidal Wave was very fun.

My Justy.

Cute Dallon Bilbao. He and Miles are a few months
apart. But Dallon was much braver on the rides. I think
it's because he has more weight to hold him in his place.
Miles rolled around like a rag doll.
apart. But Dallon was much braver on the rides. I think
it's because he has more weight to hold him in his place.
Miles rolled around like a rag doll.

Evan Bilbao, Isaac, and Katie, awaiting the rides after lunch at the pavilion.
Bilbaos, thanks for inviting us to Lagoon with You.