Mother's Day was awesome. We had a backyard b-b-q
at our house for Justy's mom and GGB (Great grandma
Bule) and had a blast.
We were able to spend time with Brad and Glenda,
and visit with Jamie and Grandma Robinson and on the actual
day, my kids and hubby were so cute. They made me breakfast
in bed, wrote me love letters, and I got some gorgeous hanging
plants and potted plants. We went up to my sis, Michelle's and
celebrated with my mom. I LOVE my mom. I am eternally grateful
to her. She's the bomb. Here's some pic of the b-b-q.

The ladies: Sarah, Tessa, (Justin's sisters), Me,
Stacey(Ty's wife), Elaine (mother-in-law).

Justin and Tony. Arent' men always Business?


Kamrey (Stace & Ty's), and Elaine

More of the ladies. Good work Joel, taking the pics.

Justin, Elaine, and GGB

Sarah and Ty jumping. It was funny.
Canal Trips
We enjoyed many walks to the canal to feed the ducks.
Can I be honest though. My life is "Marley & Me" for those
of you who have seen it except we don't let our dog act quite
that pyscho. But having all three kids and the dog at the
canal plays a number on my nerves. It's so hard to watch
so many little moving bodies at the same time to ensure
they are all safe. My kids love to feed the ducks though.
I wonder if Boyzee really is a full bred lab sometimes because
he seems completely oblivious to the ducks.

Once the bread runs out, the kids love to throw
rocks into the water and listen to the splashes.
Boyzee enjoys swimming in the water.

Isaac, my helper. I can't believe he's going
to be six this year. Boo hoo but hooray
for kindergarten.

Classic Katie. She's always either making me
cry from laughing so hard, or cry from
driving me nuts. I guess that's the joy
of having a two year old. She's a ball full of fun.

Mr. Miles is 1, and if you can't tell
by his face, he's the funnest, loving
kid around. He melts mommy
and daddy's hearts.

The Ducks. Very exciting.
Can't a girl shave her Legs?
I used to really get grossed out how some mom's
had week long prickles on their legs. Now I
understand. These pictures are evidence of just
some of the destruction that happened when I took
a little longer in the shower. Two year olds and one
year olds are the smartest creatures. They KNOW
when mom is contained. Stinkers.

Miles' escapades with a red marker. I wish I
could say that it were only on his face and hands
but you're smarter than that. I'll leave it up
to your imagination to think of all the places I
found red markings throughout the day.

Thick as thieves.

She's a great coach for Miles.

This was a cassette of my grandma and
grandpa Anderegg singing together. It was
the only recording I had of the both them.
They have both passed on.

Sorry Oma and Opa, I guess I'll have to
wait to the eternities to hear your melodious
voices again.
You are so gorgeous and your kids are so darling.
Oh my goodness. My heart just sank when i saw that tape all ripped apart! The mischief those toddlers get into is never-ending.
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