you ever did meet. Well, I was dropping something
off at my friends house, left the car running and my
kids in the carseats. (Don't tell me you haven't done
the same thing.) Little Katie unbuckled her car seat
and got into the driver's seat while I was a gab, gab,
gabbing at the front door. As I was talking to Shantel,
I saw this sudden look of horror on her face and looked
to see the reason. I saw my big red
Durango plunging down her steep driveway. I tried to
jump in the window to stop, but the car was going so
fast. Katie had the wheel between her hands and a
frightened little look on her face. The SUV smashed into
Shantel's closed garage, which smashed into her mini van,
which then smashed into her freezer full of meat and her
heirloom cedar chest. Here are the results:

Their minivan.

The freezer.

The cedar chest. These pictures
don't include the garage damages and
the damages to our car.
Lessons Learned:
Put the emergency brake on!
Don't leave my keys in the car!
Beware of Katie's teenage years!
Insurance is important!
God was watching out for us! (We were so thankful
nobody got hurt.)
SOOO glad no one was hurt! And you are right...everyone does it! And I think 16 is too young to drive...Ha!!!Ha!!!
CUTE pictures of your kiddos!
Oh my heck, how scary!! I do that all the time too, and have warned my kids with death if they even think about getting into the driver's seat. I guess I should consider myself very lucky they have listened this far. Well, I've leanred my lesson! :) I think I'll be taking the keys with me from now on! So glad no one was hurt!
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